Mostly babies are healthy, but sadly some have problems that could be serious. The prenatal screening tests allow an early prediction of problems and segregate the high risk cases which will need further tests.
It is a combination of fetal ultrasound and maternal blood tests. The test includes:
ULTRASOUND TEST: This is done at 11-13+6 weeks and is performed by FMF (Fetal Medicine Foundation) certified operator. All the three radiologist at shobha diagnostic centre are FMF certified. This involves evaluation of Nuchal Translucency (fluid behind baby’s neck) and other markers for chromosomal abnormality like nasal bone. These measurements are abnormal in Down’s syndrome. The overall fetal anatomy is also checked at this time.
BLOOD TEST: The blood test performed on FMF approved bio chemical assay systems measures two hormones—beta HCG and PAPP-A. Abnormal levels of these substances are are indicative of enhanced risk of chromosomal abnormality.
Down syndrome is a chromosomal genetic disorder in which the affected person carries an extra copy of chromosome 21.
It is the most common cause of intellectual disability in children. They also may have other health problems like heart defects, intestinal problems, hearing and visual problems.
Can Down’s syndrome be cured?
No!!! There is no cure for Down’s syndrome.
Can Down’s syndrome be detected before child is born?
Yes!!! By doing above mentioned first trimester screening it is possible to identify pregnancies that are at a higher than average risk of having a baby with Down syndrome. Then such mothers can undergo amniocentesis test in which fluid around the baby is sampled and sent for chromosomal testing (Karyotype) which will detect the extra coy of chromosome 21.